A Message from the Director about Summer 2023
Dear Writing Community,
We continue to pay close attention to the ongoing developments of the pandemic and COVID-19 (and its variants). Since we cannot guarantee that an in-person conference would be safe come summer, we are cancelling our in-person 2023 Summer Writers’ Conference for the safety of all.
As the Founder and Director of MVICW, my first and foremost goal is to keep our community safe and healthy. While we are hopeful that things may change before the summer comes, due to the necessary planning, staffing, and the financial preparations it takes to set up our conference, we are forced to make a decision now that best reflects the current situation.
What does this mean for the future?
MVICW is considering what future virtual conferences and in-person offerings might look like. Our 2021 Virtual Summer Writers’ Conference was an incredible success with more than 400 writers from around the world in attendance. We received invaluable feedback about the kinds of virtual offerings and conferences that our community would like to see. We are currently looking at the planning, staffing, and format for our offerings for the future, and will be announcing plans as soon as we have them.
In the meantime, for those who are missing the MVICW magic, check out our anthology: The Open Page. It is filled with writing exercises and readings to keep you busy for the coming year!
We wish you all amazing success with your writing! Thank you all for your support and your love of the MVICW community.